
How do you perceive your own mode of moving?

Outward expression expansion of inner experiencing, constantly changing with a constant thread

fluctuant rhythms of breath and pulse

continuous dialogue with spaces, surroundings and beings, an energetic exchange

breath exchange       ...       egnahcxe htaerb

moved by the visible the non visible, the tangable the intangable

Impulses of momentary present of distant past

Imbued with releasing reminders

Infatuated, saturated with Joan's gentle words

In daily movements, in movement explorations

loosening, grounding, somewhat quieter than before.

inner image manifest, shifting shaping happening in human form

for just a moment

a mode in which the outside image of my movement is of little significance

an energy moving through this particular body-being

being moved, moving smooth               effortless

allowing moving to take its own form, time, direction

its own space-time


a bridge or a path between

inner image        and manifesting artworks

experiential intuition                enlivening the ungraspable

to merge before manifesting                 in another body          of work

exploratory               momentary

shape shifting

a vessle of sensations            dropping in

a mode of experiential philosophy, sensorial syntax

a thread between imagining and making

a tuning in before sounding

opening all the doors             allowing the wind to clean

rustling through histories, through tendencies of this organism

gateway to

© Julia Adzuki 2019