
What does being in process mean to you?

living entanglement    with places-ideas-space-time-beings from the bacterial to the cosmic

     intra-action  )rather than interaction of separate entities(  in a state of mutual emergence of constant incompletion reconfiguring immeasurably



living questions

cultivating branching expansions

foregoing the illusion, tripping the concept so culturally entrenched, of linear space-time progress.

Of bettering, of better than

Oh progress, fanciful colonialism

don't ya' know, the chariot charges not over the earth, rather orbits wheels embedded in its rotation. This, process is

being non-autonomous

inseparably entangled with the process of the greater earthly being-more-than-human.

to imagine autonomy, to imagine separation from all else in process seems somehow as ethically questionable as 'progress at all costs'... that all this I claim as I, as mine, as separate from all else...

In process the I is, I am, Is not  A utonomous.

As we imagine arms, legs, vertebrae autonomous, does this concept leak? ...autonomy of the teacher is a paradox without students the teacher is    what?

Perhaps the dynamic could be described as one grounded entanglement? To remain rooted, somehow, in the shaft of space, holding space for students shapeshifting, unwinding, sprouting shoots, realising connections. And the teacher emerging through the teaching,

in a process of mutual entanglement. Mutual emergence in process.

here is a sticking point, a living question, gaining traction and gathering flies, at the crux of Skinner Releasing. A paradox of experience and concept .... a paradox of process and autonomy...

ah bug inflaming questions for me for now, paradoxical misfire of autonomy, process is in itself paradoxical perhaps

process is at times a living irritation, a sadness of never being satisfied, eternally unrealised and realising, a dance unresolvable, taking turns, surprising unexpected diversions process is

being in dance, dancing in words, encounters, musings, movements

being not apart from but a part of

being of living entanglement,

being at times in chaos and darkness, not refusing these fertile depths

being in space, giving space, awareness of space in body room life relations in any given circumstance.

in continuum, as unfolding, unending.

Process as collaboratively entwined intra-action with no edges

... learning not to refuse what we always already are part of, unlearning illusions ...

© Julia Adzuki 2019